OK so i have someine willing to sell me a gtx 460 for $120. Is this a good deal or should i look for something else?
Look for somthing else. Fermi fires are so Q2 2010.
No. I paid 70 quid for mine, which is roughly 110 usd. Tech is much cheaper in the states.
GTX 480's can be had for 150 over here in the UK.............
I just sold a evga 560ti for $120
Hmm ok I'll pass on the 460 is there a budget card that will play most of all games and by budget I mean under 200
. Would like to run at highest settings. Would I have to spend over 200 to do that?
i'll sell you my Zotac AMP! 570 for 200
Worth 130 pounds imo...
2nd hand, and has only 1280MB...
considering 200 dollars is 132 pounds, i would agree.
No, the 460 will soon be 3 generations old, It also (correct me if im wrong) lacks support for DX11.
Fermi is one of the most powerful DX11 chips (tesselation)...
Still very respectable performance today...
The only reason to go with a 400 series is if you get the Flagship 480... it can overclock to insane levels, and match 7870/7950 for a lot less cash...
Just gona repeat the popular answer NO, but since i owned a 460 for a year or so, gona give a bit more detailed information.
(Incase somebody else needs it)
If you are on a tight budget, the 460 goes for around 90 (new) bucks here, if new, and you can get one for about 50-60 EUROs, here.
Keep in mind, that there are different versions of it, some have 1GB GDDR5 and some 786MB, either way, its not worth $120.
As for DX11, it does support it. Still a nice card, runs most games on medium with no problems.
Also, it needs 2 6-pin power connectors!
As for budger card of $200 and below, if you are going for Nvidia, then used cards are propably the way to go.
anything up from 570 is good, you might find a 660 for around 200, if you get lucky and its on sale somewhere. Make sure you overclock it.
You can also go for AMD, 7870 used goes for around 180-200 ($220-250 new), and 7850 also performs well if you overclock it. (should be a little bit under $200)