GTA V FPS Trailer

Take the best game ever and make it even better :O

dem Frmedrps doe.

We get to see pixalualted bewbs in GTA V in first person? What's next? Oculus Rift support in first person so you can see bewbs in stereo 3d?

Holy fuck! They even nailed the first first person shooting aspect too!!

Wow, there's a FOV slider on the consoles, that's a first!

Best game ever? lolol good joke. 

But this is definitely a neat addition. I may buy GTA again for the PC if I can get it on sale but otherwise nah. 

sarcasm implied ;)


Will be fantastic on Oculus.

No release date for PC yet?

i think it's jan 16th or something.

I don't dare counting on the PC controls being any good in this series, but now at least I'm interested.

Jan 27th last time I heard. 

I played a lot of GTAV on the 360. I have to say, I can't wait for the PC release of this game. 

Yeah that's it!

Im down for the game but will be waiting to see how well it runs. If it runs poorly at launch i will be waiting for it to mature and come down in price.

forgot which media site it was, but they said that they are redoing the textures for everything from the ground up, and adding a TON of new animations. Only question would be whether it works in multiplayer or not

YESSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Better bewb animations!!!!!!!!!!! 10/10 Best game NA

Damn. I have seen this trailer like 12 times already. It is amazing that they redesign the whole game for this mode and not just put a camera on the character's head. I am so excited to play GTA V for PC (comes out on January 27, 2015. Consoles are the beta testers). Imagine the mods that will occur in this game. 

I hold off on playing GTA V on PS3 for two reasons: I didn't like the FOV and I especially hated the framerate dips (would go down to 15fps sometimes). It was actually unplayable for me.