GTA V Artifacting

Ok so I recently got gta and I am very impressed except for one thing. I get this weird texture stretching and it is getting really old. I will be driving around and all of a sudden, I cant see because a texture has stretched across the screen. I will drive through it and it will go away, however the problem is when I try to get into a car that has this stretching issue and I am trying to drive around the game and i cant because I simply cant see. I have tried tweaking settings, but I had no success with that. If it helps I am running a non ocd 7970.

Its probably the AMD drivers. I mean a special update thats beta for GTA V is cute and all but 5 months is a long time of not optimizing for games, its the main reason I sold my dual 290x cards and 290 from my other rig. Maybe try fresh installing the drivers and set the graphics options in the game to high or medium (vsync on) and see how that works.

Check you have then latest drivers, if you do get DDU uninstall the drivers and fresh install the latest beta drivers. After that check the integrity of the game cache if you are on steam, no idea how to do this wirh the rockstar launcher, but it seems to do it automatically anyway.

I'd run FurMark for a while (more than 20 minutes) and check for artifacting there. Running GTA V has helped me detect a hotspot in my case because it does stress my GPU (GTX 760 SuperClocked ACX) more than any other game I've played, including Tomb Raider with TressFX.

It very well could be drivers, but testing hardware is easier and more conclusive.

Switch off teslathon in game my HD 7950 was going funny in gta too this seamed to of fixed it.

My buddy and I noticed that this happened on our AMD GPU's when ever we put it to 4X MSAA. 2X seemed fine. Also the Post processing kind of messed with the visuals as well, I just disabled that to be safe.

You did install the drivers, right.

hehe well I thought that the 15.whatever drivers had to do with the omega drivers and only worked on the newer cards..ill just leave it at that...

hmm, i think latest drivers were only meant for 290/x gpu's only. I haven't met with any issues either on new drivers or past ones.