you can flip people off. totally worth it.
There's also the issue that the 60$ price tag was mostly to cover physical creation, packaging costs and shipping. There should be a price reduction on PC for the fact its sold digitally and therefore has no packaging and shipping. Instead, prices are shooting up near 80$ a fucking game, in Canada that's 100$. I'm hesitant to buy 40$ games, I'm not dishing out 100$ for Mortal Kombat X or GTA5,because they're not worth that. It's not entitlement, its knowing what the product is worth in the industry. The industry only hurt themselves for raising the prices too high for regular consumers to even THINK about purchasing it.
its not THAT expensive.
evolve was 90$ CAD after tax. It's a WEE bit expensive. and I checked the prices, GTA5 is 70$.