full retail copy version appeared in the web few hours ago, and i see already crack candidates from 3dm.
It's probably a hoax, and is common on public trackers. Nothing seen on the two big private trackers that I'm apart of. I won't discuss any further as it could lead to repercussions.
It wouldn't surprise me. You can pre-load it now, which means that it's going to appear on pirate sites before legitimate customers are able to play it.
It was to be expected. They announced that people who preorderd will be able to download the whole game a week before release so they could start playing on day 1.
Let's wait until it shows on top dog trackers.
I dont get why this is such a big thing. There are so many other games out there to play. Why would you download something illegally before its released when you can spend $5 at bundlestars and get $110 worth of great games?
I want GTA 5 PC as much as the next guy but in a market where you are spoilt for choice and you arnt forced to spend $100 for a game, I dont see why you can justify illegally downloading it.
You can justify TV shows, Cost of getting a third of a good BBC show here is $60. And to watch it on tv costs you twice that every month. But really. You can get this game in a few weeks for less than half its release price if you cant justify the high price tag.
Devs gotta eat.
its about time game companies learn that drm doesn't work (just hinders the game itself, drm-free works). People just try to crack it because of it, and then more people try to download it.
i might know someone that does it just to test if the game will run on that persons computer before purchasing. i promise that person isnt me :P
Is someone willing to test it?
GTA V only has Steam DRM.
One of the few DRM methods that people do not universally despise.
lol i hate all DRM i put up with steam because i must for a lot of the games that i play. i avoid all uplay and origin games. i only own 1 origin game and it is battlefield 3 and i despise the battle log and origin just gets in the way. i hate blizzards always online DRM. for peat's sake i refuse to buy diablo 3 and starcraft because of it. i will happly pirate any game that has DRM and crack it just so i dont have to deal with DRM neat fact i buy some steam games then turn around uninstall the steam version and install the pirate version because its better. DRM is never good DRM is never ok and will never have a place in my games. hell i try to buy physical disk copy of every game i have because i fhking own it. i dont just have the right to play as long as a certain platform is around if i can boot it i can play it. there are steam platform games that people have bought that are no longer on the steam store and if they lose the data that they have they can not re-download it. sorry but until there is no more DRM i will glady pirate any game that use it. by the way good old gaming has it right download the install info put it on a disk and store it do anything you want with it. even if they go out of business i can still play and install my games with out issue. hell i still have my 3.5 floppy of wolfenstine 3D and i still use it.
Steam pisses me off after purchasing a physical copy of Skyrim and I couldn't install it because I had no internet. Steam can choke on a fat one.
Cool story bro.