kind of a longshot because this is an older, somewhat shitty gpu. anyone have luck with a a stable oc without changing the voltage? battery on this is 100% dead, so i dont want to fiddle with voltage (and probably cant because laptop)
this is what im currently sitting on, wouldnt mind 5c more for a bit of juice
I have a lenovo z580 with a GT630m I tried this on. It topped out at even less than that so you already have a winner pretty much. The problem with the 630m is that its' designed as a mobile part intended for low voltage operation. Aside from getting a modded BIOS for your laptop with the advanced menu unlocked to tweak voltages there isn't much further to go. Also beware the memory OC, it becomes markedly more unstable with more data in it as it starts having to refresh more memory rows, so run something that will also saturate the RAM completely to be sure. Same thing counts for the Bus Interface, use a game thats particularly texture streaming heavy to make sure the system doesn't just fall over when everything is pulling far more current.
I did laptop bios modding for a long time so I've done a few horrible things to improve laptop performance and aside from doing it as a technical exercise, I cant really recommend laptop overclocking it just really isn't worth it particularly on such weak systems because the OC still doesn't get you into the properly playable 60FPS + territory on modern-ish games.
hey good to know, but as far as bios go i dont have the know-how or willpower to fiddle with this $100 laptop. seen claims of 2-300 gains on the memory but its boarderline unstable at the 150 i pushed already. very worth the fps gains in my opinion though, bumped some things from 30 to 40fps, old games from high to ultra maintaining 60fps
Yeah the memory clocks on the low end 600 GPU's where brutally overclockable. I have a GTX 650Ti that I took from 5400MHz QDR to 6200MHz QDR with the Core clocked from 993MHz to 1.2GHz. This with only a +200mV voltage boost.
dont overclock gpus much, only have the 750ti. gave my teenage brother a gts 250, might just bolt a chuck of copper and 60-80mm fan on it and try to win the ghetto olympics seeing a pattern of older stuff being easy to juice up.
Nah the GTS250 isn't really that good to OC. Max about ~7-8% performance improvement. Under the hood the GTS 250 is already a maxed out rebranded 8800GTX with a nerfed 256bit memory bus and was technically 3 years old already when it came out. (8 Series Nov 2006) (250GTS mid 2009)