Grub/OMV installation problem

So, I want to install OpenMediaVault on my little AM1 server. I am installing from an USB stick which I created using Unetbootin to an ssd.
Everytime I start the installation it fails to install grub. I fixed this by opening a shell and entering these commands:

chroot /target
grub-install /dev/sdc

After that I chose to continue without bootloader.
Now everytime I boot it tells me

minimal bash-like line editing is supported grub

and I can enter something. I don't know what to enter or what I have done wrong.
Thanks a lot!

I found this :

Hope it helps

there is no openmediavault live version which makes sense :-(

Does it give you a reason as to why it can't install grub?

not really. it somehow fixed itself after uplugging all other storage devices. thanks for the help!