Saw that talk of a group buy for dc or enterprise storage was discussed at some point. Is there any similar interest or info about getting ssd or nvme storage in bulk to find a better rate? Upgrading multiple systems adds up quickly, just trying to see what quantity is required for a price break. Thanks for any info
Not that I know of. But if you are looking for hardware, check out the want to by/ want to sell section
Youll probably not all want the same storage and there are pretty cheap options already. I dont see with the current market really getting any discount. If you are talking used then maybe you could get some good deals but you tend to not just get drives when you buy used gear.
I don’t know where I could point you to for any deals, but I’ll leave my two cents (for all it’s worth with this inflation) on buying SSD/NVME in general.
DO NOT BUY USED. Sure, not an ironclad rule. Not ironclad with any kind of computer hardware. Sometimes buying used computer parts is perfectly fine and will save you hundreds or even thousands. But my personal rule on buying used hardware is that I do not ever, ever, ever buy used solid state anything because they wear out faster in proportion to use. Yes, they’ve gotten better with time. But it’s still an issue. I had an M.2 completely die on me just over 2 weeks ago and it was only 2.5 years old and was bought new. I have had multiple HDDs, GPUs, and even PSUs that I bought second hand that lasted twice that long under my use.
Thanks for your replies, I tend to buy new hardware. Sometimes (not really ssd or nvme drives) but used or refurbished enterprise gear is a good option/more affordable. I didn’t know if there’s be a price break or not getting a larger order than a single person. You’re right though, needs vary. Thanks again
I’m selling some MLC SSDs, they aren’t enterprise and aren’t very big but are very cheap
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