Gronda Murder and Introspective Thinkingz

 As I was senselessly murdering Grondas in SWGEmu, it occurred to me that soon another character wipe would happen and all my progress would be lost. Surprisingly my character's impending doom didn't really bother me, my reasoning being that in some respects we are all finite in our time here (bear with me). Just because my avatar's life is short why shouldn't he "live" out his years in the best way possible?

(XP Triumphs virtual animal rights? I digress :'( )

 When it comes down to it, every single game we play is only temporary, this fact can escape us because of the long stretches we spend with our characters. We think that the 0's and 1's that make their stories up will live on forever but in the end all we truly have are the memories we create through gaming. Stories we can tell long after our systems are no longer manufactured and the studios become defunct. (The memory cards in your basement don't count :])

(Virtual memories > Permadeath! + RPG Love)

I don't at all mean this in a somber or melancholy way, in fact I mean just the opposite, the finite lives of our characters -- and even more importantly ourselves should make us that much more appreciative of the time we have left. So go out there and slay some monsters, you need stories to tell your grandchildren!.. or a future pet! 

Thanks for reading!



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 Post script: Someday I'm hoping to be a writer and content creator for Tek Syndicate if you enjoyed this short article please let me know below! :D