

Have you guys heard about gridcoin?

It's a cryptocurrency that hopes to boost the participation of the boinc distributed computing volunteed computing by offering increased incentives to miners who participate to boinc.

If you don't participate in boinc at all, you're unable to mine. If you contribute more than 100RAC for an individual boinc project, you can compete for a block reward of 5-150 depending on your RAC vs the average RAC for that individual project.

I think this is hugely innovative, and worth looking into. (terrible looking, but deal w/ it).

Is bitcoin a sort of false decrypting process? Like you're basically decrypting nothing but a predefined code and gain currency for that only? And folding@home actually has some practical use?

If this is the combination of the two - combined computing with rewards then yes, it actually would be good for humanity. As long as there aren't assholes that exploit and hog everything like with bitcoin.