Green Man Gaming for UK?

I'm getting back into PC gaming again, and there's a ton of games I want to buy.

I'm currently only playing Skyrim (First time playing it on PC) and Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, but I actuslly want to buy and play many games, which it feel is a good position to be in as I always have something to think about and look forward to. Never has having a limited budget been such a blessing.

I've looked on this site and seen Green Man Gaming boasts some amazing deals, so I'd like to grab some of them for myself. I was wondering if it works normally for customers in the Uk as everything on the site is in dollars. Also, is it fames on steam or direct downloads to your PC?

i also found a school friend who also PC games, does it a fair bit, has a similar taste to me and is a ton of fun to play with, so I feel that my gaming experience is definitely on the up!

Yes, UK customers can use GMG. I have used them a few times. You might consider other key sites like G2A, or Humble Bundle. They usually generate a Steam, Origin, or Uplay code for you to use.