Hey hi people. This is my first post and I'm kind of a noob at overclocking and pcs. So to build my first pc I've chosen an amd fx 8350. I was confused over intel or amd. So I had a great idea. Intel. Can beat amd in single core and dual core and quad core stuff.so I was thinking. If I did something like Andre Yang and at times when I'm playing a game or something. And I need 1super powerful core I change to a mode in which all 7 cores are disabled for stability and 1 core is ultra over clocked. Like I'm playing an old game.I need 1 core. I press f7+alt+t or something and all other cores are disabled I get an ultra speed boost? Like clocking the core at 7 ghz.would totally make the intel fanboys stay at home. And dual cores at 6 ghz each? Just saying cause I just saw Andre Yang's article about how all the cores are disabled and stuff. Well I know if this stuff could get pulled off AMD WOULD TOTALLY DESTROY INTEL. I'm an amd fanboy thank you. So all I'm asking in just basic is. A software that could change clock settings at a command WITHOUT going to the desktop,turning on clock gen,setting the clocks and all that shit. So I just want the moderators and real techy guys to look over my idea cause its really possible just need a good backgroung program for OC. So if this ideas good post a video on YouTube I love watching all the tek syndicate vids they're awesome.
Not to be a dick but when I power up my rig to play a game using one core I typically keep my air cooler on, I dont bust out the ln2 pot. Andre Yang got those speeds with either ln2 or lhe, NOT on air.
Ofcourse he'd did but that's what I'm saying. Keeping the highest self sustainable cooling solution on. Disabling all the other cores to increase stability, and tweaking it JUUSSST right, It could/ is possible
The closest I've seen is people tweaking their clock/turbo speeds independently. I recall seeing a rig where under a full 8 core load the chip ran at 4.6, but under a typical quad core load the chip would run upwards of 5. I've not messed with this myself, but that seems like the best option. What you're talking about would almost require special hardware, not just software. With something like a SOC processor on the board or a smaller ARM chip on the die this could be a really viable technology though. AMD could keep their CMT, have 8 cores in situations optimized for threads, then drop the cores and work 4 cores with double the resources in other situations, optimized in real time by the board. When you overclock you would have to set speeds like you're saying for each level of disabling, but I could see it working then. Not just with software though, I think there would be too much of a stability issue. Beyond that to have really good results you would need a motherboard with very well designed VRMs, because even if you're only using 1/8th the chip to run at that high of freq. you'll need a very stable power delivery. Again, this isn't a problem for some people but it is something that would need to be considered.
Which single threaded games can't you play with an 8350?
I hope to god he says Vindictus. Because that it literally THEE number one CPU taxing game in existence when you host for 7 other people in one party for raiding.....It's because DevCAT haven't bothered to make the game AMD friendly yet so just getting stable frames when hosting I had to push my CPU to 4.5GHz to achieve 60fps so the party doesn't lag XD
U can play every game out there at 60 fps and and that's great. But the thing is that intel fanboys say that one strong core is better than multiple weaker ones. And yeah multithreading above 4 cores is just starting. Amd is making something for the future. Cause games WILL get optimised for 6 or 8 cores and as they keep coming amd will gain value. But just for now and for the sake of benchmarks of single threading, and to show intel fanboys, maybe u could hard set a couple of keys in the bios. And if not for that, to cut the power usage as all other cores are just idling away.
And yeah that's EXACTLY what I'm saying The Drugs, minus the ultra nerdyness and stuff. Anyway, for the motherboard, yeah ur gonna need an extremely stable power supply, cause one spike and u can kiss ur chip goodbye.
Excuse me people, but this is a great idea. I think it deserves a bit of fame?
Well, professional overclockers have been disabling cores in order to get higher clockspeeds for years now.
Some cores can't get that high compared to others, and therefore disabling the limiting factors can get you slightly better clock speeds.
Still, 7ghz fast is not going to happen, and you'll need a reboot or else windows will go berzerk.
I think I shut just set it to quad at 5.7 ghz. More or less
You might want to look into these results posted by another user not too long ago
Also not to be a dick but 5ghz is around the limit for good chips on all cores without needing ln2 or similar cooling. You will not reach 5.7Ghz on 4 cores unless some sort of miracle occurs.
Just overclock it on 8 cores until your hardware prevents you from going any further.