Graphics Driver Issues

Good evening, Tek Syndicate members. Frankly, I don't know if this posts is supposed to go here, but there is no GPU section under "Sofware", so might as well place it here. A couple of weeks ago, I tried to update my drivers to the newest rendition (from catalyst 13.11 to 14.9.2). Unfortunately, while removing the previous ones, my computer crashed. I though the process was still successful, since it rebooted with the potato resolution it always uses when it lacks drivers. Unaware of any possible issues I installed the new ones. During the installation, it crashed, again, but it rebooted normally, so I thought there were installed. Afterwards, when I tried to load up a game, it immediately crashed. Furthermore, every time i tried to open even word, the system shut down. I decided to remove the drivers and install them once again. Everything went normally up until the end, where I got an error stating that Catalyst Install Manager failed to install. The crashing issue persisted, and now I noticed that Catalyst Install Manager bugged out, it's possibly the one from the original install that failed to remove itself properly due to the crash, as seen in the picture below. I tried to remove it but I can't, as it shows an error message when I hit "repair" or "change". Also, when I re installed the drivers a second CIM appeared, along with the bugged one. The former can be removed, but the latter can't. I discovered the PC works  if I disconnect one of my cards, and only run on one 7970, but if I try to run my usual Xfire setup it crashes as soon as I open pretty much anything. This is frustrating me, and while it doesn't inhibit total use of my setup, it does prevent me from using one of my major pieces of hardware. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

Catalyst Install Manager Error