Graphic card for VRay RT!

Hi everybody.

I do modelling (CARS) on 3Ds Max with VRay. Last year I bought a Gigabyte GTX 760 2GB rev 2.

I do some general works, gaming ect on my PC but I'd say mainly for 3D modelling and rendering!

My system is not a big of a deal. something modest that helps me work faster than "slow"!

i7 3820 2.6, 16GB RAM. 2X 500 Seagate Barracuda .12 (probably gonna switch to SSD soon!).

VGA Gigabyte GTX 760 2GB rev 2 (that I thought it would help me with REAL TIME rendering)

well it is helping me good enough. but I have a problem with it. and I think I might need another VGA to make RT faster.

I'll try to put these two points into my next two questions!


So here ... I got 2 questions for you guys that are really important to me!


1) Usually when I real time render (using VRay RT), the rendering crashes! I've noticed that it happens more when the car is wearing kinda complex material (carpaint, texture for decals ext) .. but it rarely happens when I use the override map in the RT settings when using a simple material in the override channel.

though, the GPU meter doesn't show that the GPU memory is fully loaded!

Anyone might know what's the reason behind the crash?!


2) GTX 760's RT speed is not bad. but I'm thinkin' that I wanna add another VGA to make the RT faster!

so I'm thinkin' to configure the GTX 760 for viewport and may add 1 or 2 GTX 780 4GB or even 970 4GB for RT.

I know the Vram won't be summed up. it's ok for me since I'm interested in speed.


So is my idea OK or do you guys have a better suggestion?

Thanx in advance :)

i had an issue using a gtx card last year because they f'ed something in the drivers for rendering .. you should knock back the drivers a few months and see if there is is still an issue ...

second thing to check is depending how long your software has been - vray and mental-ray are plug-ins with there own history and after time will become corrupt and need to be re installed or everything reset to


also check

memory - when you render bigger stuff you use more memory and could be hitting a corrupted sector that you never noticed because it isn't used when you have the lower settings  

My software is only few months. since I've tired with Win7 and Win8 then back to Win7.

as for drivers, I've tied Nvidia drivers since 324 till 33X. I've downloaded the new driver recently but I'm outta country now. also the new driver version should be out soon.
as for older drivers they didn't support my GTX card. and during installing them, they couldn't recognize any graphic card.

As for the memory, I thought about a corrupted sector too. but I thought about it to be in the system's RAM.
since I'm using GPU rendering for RT I think that's not the problem. cuz when I do production rendering which uses CPU & RAM, when the scene a bit heavy it takes sometime at the beginning for transforming vertices and other calculations BUT at the end the rendering was ALWAYS successful.

this problem I have only with Real Time GPU rendering.

Real Time CPU rendering has no problem at all! (the only problem for me is that CPU RT is slower than the GPU RT)


Thx for reply tho


no problem .. i saw the issue and i was like thats the same freeken problem i had left and right - in my case it turned out to be a driver issue - then i had something similar and the only way i could fix it was to delete all my 3d software and re install it  ... I have had little to no issues since i switch to quadro but i cant recommend that switch because i have friends with gtx with no issues and in some cases a new gtx is cheaper and faster at everything 

Yeah .. I've looked here and there on GTX and CUDA forums but couldn't get a solutions.
my GTX is a Gigabyte. some say it's cuz Gigabyte has something with the CUDA code and stuff like that.
some said that they had the same problem but when changed their GTX from Gigabyte with ASUS the problem disappeared.
idk if it's really something related to Gigabyte coding. and that's actually makes me afraid to buy another newer card from Gigabyte cuz I'm afraid that I'll face the same problem again and that'd be wasting money!
though I made some researches on the net I still can't decide what brand to pick if I'm gonna buy a new one!
I've always been a Gigabyte fan but now idk!
there r some bad reviews regarding EVGA, and now I'm having this experience with Gigabyte. MSI idk y I'm not quite convinced about it.

There r other brands like PNY, INNO3D and Pillati ect which different forums have different reviews! so I can't decide based on those reviews.
most of their reviews r based on O.C, Temp, Noise or other stuff which I don't care about them that much!

what I need is something that gets the job done. that is, good RT GPU rendering. and by "good" I mean "fast enough and most important with NO CRASHES"

I'm not limited as for choices, I could use second hand card with good status. I could use 3 cards on my system. like one for view port (for not freezing the system while RT rendering) and for example: 2X GTX 760 or 1X GTX 970 or 1X GTX 980 or even 2 of'em since the prices r not really high.

I just need a brand that won't cause the crash!

Imagination has made some good advances in ray tracing hardware support with their PowerVR gpu but i dont think they produce any discrete processing cards.