GPU Upgrade


I'm looking to upgrade from my old 6870.

From the UK and budget is around £170.

Looking primarily at the Sapphire Dual-X R9 280 for £140 or the Palit GTX 960 for £160. Are both these brands reliable?

What would be best? Any suggestions would help thanks.





the dual x is pretty much a steal. If your power supply can support it, get the 280 or the 280x. both these cards outperform the the gtx 960 in benchmarks. plus the 3gb of Vram will certainly help with those filters and high resolution texure packs for skyrim. The 2gb vram on the gtx 960 is alright, but why settle on 2gb when you can get 3gb on the 280 for less. Also more and more games will utilize 3gb of vram this year

Not to mention you also have mantle support, VSR will be coming to this card according to AMD. You also have Freesync

280 is better. 960 is overpriced

completely agree

OK thanks I have a 650w PSU so I'll order it up.

always happy to help my fellow master race

+1 for the r9 280, stronger card, more vram.