GPU ugrade question

I currently have a MSI R9 270X. I've been thinking about upgrading my system as of late but can I get some opinions on how I should go about this? Should I get another of the same card for crossfire? I'm not sure if thats worth it coz I haven't read into it much. Or should I just get like a GTX 970? If so, where could I possibly go to sell my old graphics card besides ebay?

I recommend a single card setup, as dual cards might have some strange problems with certain games (or so I have been told). You could buy a R9 290 as an upgrade. I don't remember much about the Nvidia cards so I have no recommendations. You could try to sell your old card on Tek Syndicate under the "Buy Sell Trade" section of the forums. As far as I can remember, AMD gets you more bang for your buck in games.

You should probably list a budget and what you plan to do with your system.

EDIT: looks like the 970 is slightly better than the R9 290

290 is probably your best bang for buck right now. However, if you're willing to wait, there should be new cards coming out sometime in the first few months of 2015. What we've seen so far points to the R9 390x being ~50% faster than a GTX 980.

And I agree with Tazuna, go with a single card. I'd argue dual cards are great if you're going for at least 290s or 970s, but anything below that I now consider to be a questionable decision.