GPU suggestion

Hello , a friend of mine wanted to uprgrade his old pc to be able to play Dota 2 on a 1920x1080 resolution. 

His current specs are as follows: 

Mobo : Dell 0AA0h 

CPU : intel core 2 duo E8600 @3.33 Ghz

Memory: 4gb DDR2 @800Mhz 

PSU : a low-end 400w power supply

He wanted to buy a new or used GPU just for this game. He doesn't want to spend a lot of money as he does not play other games .

Thank you.

This is coming from a guy that has played Dota a grade total of one time so don't take my word as final say. I think a gtx 750ti or an R7 260x should be able to play it easy.

I was playing Dota 2 at 720p on some ancient school computer with onboard graphics, it went alright.

The main issue with your friends rig is making sure that the power supply is decent enough to sustain a discrete graphics card. If the power supply has a six pin and you want a discreet card I'd go for the 750 ti.

Personally if I had the money I'd be upgrading the whole thing.

750ti should be good.  You'll have a limit with that set up u currently have.  PCI-E 3 is out of the question and most likely you'll have problems even in Gen 2 so don't expect a massive upgrade from the 750ti.  The CPU is missing a few strings required for regulation.

The one thing that's gonna suck is that he'll have to either get a new computer later on because that thing is OLD and new gen games require certain instructions like SSE, AVX, etc.  That computer is running on fumes i can assure you of that.

Thank you for your reply, i think that an apu and mobo would be more expensive than a gpu . I also think i need to upgrade the psu 

I allready have a new computer , this one i would only use for dota when friends would come over so i would not need it to do anything else . If an old gpu would do the trick i would try and buy a used one 

ON the PCi gen speeds, This is just plain wrong, 

Gen 3 is faster on paper but even the top end GPUs don't saturate the GEN 2 lanes, here there will be zero bottleneck.

The CPU will likely bottleneck some GPUs higher than the 750ti sure, just correcting the mistakes with the PCI part,