Gpu Screen Crash

My friend got a new gpu and case we installed his old stuff and new gpu into his case but as soon we play a game it crashes plz help 970 msi 4gb 600 w cx

what was the gpu you had installed before?

amd 6670

Did you clear all the old drivers with some thing like DDU to completely clear them? Might be a driver conflict.

how do i do that

did you uninstall the graphics driver using ddu if not unstall it using that then follow the steps to compleate the uninstall then install the latest updates from nvidias website

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ok we shall try that

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it wasnt that

whats your powersupply and have you correctly plugged the gpu up with the power cables

corsair 600watt

I'd be first to blame the power supply if you've ruled out software. What are the specs of the rest of the system?

the system started working and we could play bf4 for about 5 mins when it turned off when we alt tabbed and now wont turn back on it turns on for a second and then shuts off straight away

Did you try putting the old card back in and seeing if it POSTs?
If it doesn't, swap the power supply out, possibly for a higher wattage this time.

the old gpu posts like normal

You are not in Win10 are you...

no and we tried the gpu in another working system and it does the same

Damn. Replace it is.


watch your temperatures. Moving from one aftermarket card to another shouldn't cause catastrophic heat failure but not plugging in the pci-e cables means you have no fan on the card.

Make sure your on board graphics is disabled. Make sure your old driver suite is completely removed from programs. make sure the card is all the way in the slot with all the pci-e plugs in place. Make sure the new driver is installed and as a measure remove it and re-install. If you're still getting the shutdown it's either your power supply or thermal protection on card/motherboard. Could be a faulty card, but to die under load implies it's heat or power. Eliminate heat by making sure all board temps are under 60C and gpu temp is under 70C.
Normal operating temp for an air cooled system should be < 55C board temp, < 60-65C CPU, < 70C GPU.

If the computer no longer turns on you need to find out whether it's the psu or mainboard. Sounding like your psu. Hook up a fan using a 3pin to molex adaptor. You can get one at a store that doesn't exist anymore called radio shack. Be very mindful to calculate your amperage and wattage requirements. Running equipment at low amperage may turn on but will fry it momentarily or slow cook it over a month. Best thing to do is to put the card into a donor system to see if it works. If it does then try the psu.

it does not turn on