I currently have a GTX 770 with 2gb of vRAM. I was considering returning it for the new GTX 970 but with the issues surrounding it I'm looking elsewhere. While my current card can handle most games I play at high settings, the limited vRAM is starting to become an issue with newer games. Because of this, I'm looking at the GTX 980 and r9 295x2.
While obviously the r9 is significantly more expensive, I feel it's more future proof than the 980. I could be wrong, however. And the r9 requires a lot more power to run, which I worry my 600 watt power supply won't be able to handle.
I'm looking at this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814487067&cm_re=gtx_980-_-14-487-067-_-Product
and this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814202108
Is my CX600M power supply enough for these cards?
While I only game at 1080p, I plan on getting a 4K or 2K monitor in the next year.
The last AMD video card I had was a 6970, which worked extraordinarily well till I built my current rig. With the current Nvidia shenanigans, I almost don't want to buy into their company for this series of cards.
These are just my thoughts and concerns, and I'd love to hear alternate suggestions as well! Thanks in advance!
The CX600M will not be enough for the 295x2. Just get a single 290/290x for now. By next year their will be better options so you can upgrade again. And with the 290/290x being so cheap, it won't hurt to replace it.
IMO no not really. If it were a faster card, the 8 gigs would be useful, but as of right now, just get a R9 290 (non-x) and upgrade again next year when you're planning on gaming at 4k. It should be plenty fast enough for your current 1080p gaming needs.
Single 290 is the go (great prices at the moment) or a 780ti as most retailers still have stock to clear. Since you have budgeted for a 980 you wont be disappointed. There is the option of waiting as well for what AMD brings to the table in the coming months, I think the best thing to come will be a large price drop of 290's before they get rebadged as 300 series cards.
Was talking to some people today and noticed that our Sapphire R9 290 Tri-X is available on Newegg right now for $279 with a $20 rebate to bring it down to $259.
That's a great deal! Unfortunately, I bought my card from Microcenter, so I'll be exchanging it there with whatever they are offering at that store. I checked and they don't have an 780 ti's, and only open boxed 780's. Should I still go for the r9 290(x)?
A dirt cheap 780 may be tempting. Provided it has substantial warranty still. May only be 3gb of vram but all the 780's Ive had the chance to play with overclocked really well.
They have this bad boy and a few others like it. http://www.microcenter.com/product/422577/GeForce_GTX_780_Classified_ACX_Cooler_3072MB_GDDR5_PCIe_30x16_Video_Card?ob=1
I'm in the market for a new card too. I'm debating between a Gigabyte GTX 780 Ghz Edition and a Sapphire Vapor-X 290. The X version is more expensive than both the Ghz Edition and the Vapor-X. I can't afford a GTX 980 let alone a R9 295X2 so these two cards are within my budget. I could do with some help and ideas here, thanks.
They will perform pretty much the same overall. Looking at benchmarks they pretty much trade places depending on the test, but the performance difference is negligible.
If they cost close to the same I would personally go for the Sapphire. I've used their products before and in my opinion they pretty much make the best cards on the market. The R9 290 also has a little more RAM so if you play certain graphically intensive games with filters the R9 290 will be less likely to have issues.
I'm disappointed in my local Microcenter, they don't have any Vapor-X 290x's at the location near me. I would just get one off of Newegg or Amazon, but I'll basically be exchanging my 770 for the new card. I wonder if Microcenter will order one for me...
I recently upgraded from a GTX760 to a GTX980. It is hardly working to support all my games on maximum settings. It is using only 4 watts more than the 760 it replaced to totally dominate the 760 in performance. The GTX 760 rendered 274,000 polygons while the GTX 980 does 1,260,000 polygons in the same test.
You will be very please with any of the newer cards. If power usage is a concern the 980 is a great option.