GPU problem, need help

I have Windows 8 installed, and when it's booted to the login screen it's just purple. Preventing me from even choosing a user. Of course I checked with the internet hoping for a solution or answer, and it seemed to be a GPU problem. Removing it, I found out I was successful in accessing my user. However, before removing the gpu I made inspections. I did the same when I placed it back in. 

I found someone with a the exact problem I'm having on toms hardware, and the issue seemed to be a driver issue. So I removed, uninstalled, and then reinstalled my Nvidia GTX 760 drivers and got the same response. :( Hopefully someone could find out what's going here because currently I am not in a position were I could purchase another GPU due to money constraints. Thanks so much!!! 

Does this issue persist, even with the gpu removed? Have you tried uninstalling from safe mode?

Firstly I would like the rest of your specs but in the meantime here's some generic advice, this assumes you're system has been working up until now, bear in mind it may be another component such as the PSU but until I have more info I can't say.

 I would try booting into safe mode and uninstalling the drivers, if this allows windows to boot normally then it's almost definitely GPU/display driver related, try a few different driver versions to see if any work.

If that doesn't help try(If possible) another GPU or integrated graphics, If this fixes it and the system runs properly then it's probably the graphics card it's self.

Another thing to try would be to put the 760 in another system to see if it works, try a few different drivers, if you get the same issue on another system then that almost guarantees that the GTX760 is at fault. 

I would then RMA the card and try to get a replacement, or refund.


I actually got it to work again, but thanks for your help guys!! I really appreciate it! It was my bad, I reinstalled it again it worked. 

No problem dude, I'm always happy to help, as is most of the community here. :D