So just yesterday i got home from a very bumpy 3000km (2000 mile) road trip (took my computer with me obviously) and i am now having this annoying problem where my graphics card will only work if it is mounted in a curtain position.
If the card is mounted in a dysfunctional position, my motherboard displays a debug code of 34 & the gpu led lights up telling me the gpu is not working correctly. If this happens, i do not get any display on my monitor(s). Not even the bios.
Sometimes the computer boots just fine and i can hear windows play its start-up sound, but i will still get no display on my monitor(s) (this has happened only once though).
If i jiggle the card and mount it in different a position, the problem may go away. If this works, then my computer works fine without any problems.
I thought it may have been the motherboards x16 pcie lane at first, but i get similar problems when i also mount the card in the second x8 pcie lane, which indicates to me that it may be a problem with the graphics card and not the motherboard.
I find this to be very strange because when i look over the gpu pcie pins, none of them appear to be worn down or damaged. They are ALL intact.
Can somebody please give me some advise as to how i can properly fix this problem? Or discover the true cause of it? I cannot return my motherboard because its warranty has ended. Although my gpu warranty has not ended, and i may be able to return it if this is an eligible enough reason to be able to do so. First i need to find out if its a problem with the motherboard, the gpu, or the motherboard & the gpu.
Any ideas?
EDIT: Mobo is an asus rampage iv formula x79 & gpu is an asus r9 280x direct cu 2. I have rebuilt the entire pc twice and i have also checked that all cabling is correct.