GPU Not Working.....Again!? Grrrrr

I hate PCs at the moment. Bascially, a few months ago, I couldn't get my Newly Bought GTX 660 GPU to work with my Monitor/MOBO. Everytime I turned on the Monitor "No Signal Detected" Thankfully, you guys here told me what to do with the CMOS battery, I took it out, waited 5 minutes, put it back in, and the GTX 660 worked with the monitor and I could use the Computer.


Today (1st May) I've decided to Reboot my Pc to factory default settings. Now, I can't even get my GTX 660 to work again. The Monitor just comes on, "No Signal Detected" and goes to black screen/off. I've tried taking out the CMOS battery, 10 times actually. No Luck. DVI, HDMI, DVI to VGA to HDMI, everything. Nothing. Now I'm confused as to why it won't work.


I've now again turned to my fellow Tek's (is that even a word?) to see if they have any other Alternates I could use.

PS..PSU is above average (650)..Nothing wrong with MOBO, I pop in GT 640 and it works, also Intel I7 3770 has onboard GPU, went into BIOS, no option to turn it off. I've tried disabling Display Driver from Control Panel for the Intel GPU (HD Graphics 4000). Disable it, no luck there too. My Luck just keeps running out.

If the gt640 is working it sounds like it may be that the other card is just dead. If you have another system you could test it in that might be a good option.

Also depending on where you live you could get it tested at a computer store...


I've tested the GTX 660 at a Pc Shop. He Put it in a new system and it worked fine. I don't know why it won't work with my system. The GT 640 works great, and, as I said before, I managed to get it to work with Resetting CMOS battery. I think I've done the worse mistake of my life with resetting to default settings haha I've no clue what to do

Faulty PCI slot maybe.

with your graphics card installed in your system, do you get a single when you plug into the onboard graphics?

How can it be faulty If I've used my Older GPU GT 640 and it works perfectly? I've also taken the GTX 660 to a mates house. It works fine.

Do I get a Single What? Sorry, could you please explain?

Right now Im just using onboard Intel intergrated graphics card with a VGA Cable.

with your GTX 660 installed in your system, if you plug it into your on board graphics do you get a image?

If I plug in my GTX 660 with the VGA attached to GPU, the Acer Logo comes up, then "No Signal Detected"

I've also tried the other way around, Plugging in my GPU and Using VGA cable straight into the Motherboard VGA slot. The GPU still Overtakes the Cpu onboards graphics card and switches it to the gtx 660. I've tried disabling it, nothing happens.

I'm using right now CPU onboard Graphics and my old GT 640 Graphics card at the same time. Running perfectly.

I think maybe either the CPU/Motherboard isn't compatible with my GTX 660? I've no clue.

Well, just to let you know I guys I got it to work. Went into BIOS and turned off secure boot, enabled CSM always. Thanks for the help anyway :)

Glad you got it working.