Hello I was wondering if this is the place to ask this question if it is now please let me know I have a ZOTAC GeForce® GTX 1080 Ti AMP Extreme that is 3-4 years old when ever I am gaming only my game locks up and crashes, My desktop runs fine along with other applications I was wondering if there was anyone that could help walk me through troubleshooting and resolving this problem as purchasing a gpu now if very difficult to find a msrp. The gpu was a transplant from my previous computer that had a 750 or 850 watt power supply and work find until i created a ryzen 5 3800x Processor and ASUS crosshair hero viii wifi.
Things I have tried so far:
- Changing power cable for the gpu.
- Change thermal paste it was a little crusty.
Considering replacing the thermal pads for the on the gpu.