Hey I have a xfx 7970 and it usually runs pretty good with its small OC (29c idle/68c gaming). I started playing the new Tomb Raider and noticed that it got up to 80C. To me that seems pretty high. So I went in corsair link and put my gpu fan speed to performance mode. Now the Gpu goes to about 72 max when im playing that game. I know its a graphics intense game but is there maybe something wrong with my card?
i know for my two 680 that they run from 59c to 75c in game but the gpus can handle these high temps.
but for a 7970 i would have to say 72c is good stady temp for play games.
i dont know if this would work on amd cards but download nvidia inspector and you can change the fan rpms if you want it to run cooler.
When I'm playing Tomb Raider if I set TressFX on it really starts sucking the juice. This will automatically be checked with ultimate setting I go into custom and uncheck that setting and FPS goes from 30-40 back to 50-60 and temps settle down. Her hair sure does look nice with it on though.
80c is on the high side. you may want to try something like Reva tuner to set the fan at 100%
that is if you like loud fans....
Most people overlook this, but maybe you should spend some time on redirecting air flow in your case.
I moved around the fans in my case once. I had to switch them back shortly afterwards because my GPU overheated and BSOD my PC.
GPU temp with fans in old (current) spots: 36c Idle, 59c Gaming.
I never got the chance to measure temps after I moved the fans, but the PCB of my GPU was extremely hot the the touch after it BSOD.
Having the fans pulling air from the front of the case and expelling air out the back seems to work the best in my case.
Setting it up to pull air from the bottom and out the top causes my system to get very hot.
It's probably because my old set up has cool air running across the PCB of my GPU.