Gpu help

Hi, guys. I need help to decide what GPU to buy. First of all I have

FX 6300 CPU

4GB Ram


and some old GPU that is 256mb(8400 GS) just to run the system 

The question is I wanted to save money and get R9 270 or 270x but im stuck at 180$. I'm depressed because I can't play any games(I can run Lol,Dota 2,WoW but they bored me). So I decided to get a new GPU for the money I have,but don't know which one. To get R7 260x or 7770 or some older card that has better performance.

So what do you think?

P.S. Please note that I'm from EU and the prices are not the same like in US, but feel free to give your opinion so I can get an idea which card to get.

GTX 660, 660ti, R7 265(when it comes out later this month), R9 260X, R9 270.

Is that the Gigabyte motherboard? The 97 chipset is the right call but that motherboard is not the best one around. How much more expensive is the Asus 97 EVO R2.0?

As for GPU,STN answered it perfectly.