hi, i have the asus matrix 7970 planinum edition and i get 60 fps on battlefield and advanced warfare on ultra settings, yet when i play league of legends and csgo i can barely get 60, i think it may be because my gpu clock is stuch at 501mhz when playing but im unsure. ive tried several things yet it makes no difference. It like i need to tell my gpu to go into high performance mode but i dont know how to, please help me i just want my pc to run at what it should be running at :(
Use MSI Afterburner. There you can set profiles to w/c certain programs will use. There is also a monitoring software included so you can see how your GPU is doing while your gaming or when you're doing stuff in a 3D environment. Just explore the settings. Link to afterburner here: http://event.msi.com/vga/afterburner/download.htm
can i still run it even though i am usung an amd card? i already have ccc but i makes no change in the performance
MSI Afterburner supports AMD cards