GPU for MiniITX Build

So after reading tons of threads here it seems one of the 3 Voltage unlocked 7950's is the way to go, they all seem to retail around the $260-280 mark.

I'm trying to buy parts as they come on sale to save money and get more for my money, unsure if this is the best idea but I've been checking all Canadians sites flash sales ect for a good deal on one of the 3 7950s (Sub $240ish).

But i just saw this on sale:

ASUS 7970 Direct CU II for $290+$20 MIR.

Was wondering on thoughts, probabaly won't finish building my PC until start of November, so should i just wait on the 9xxx Series?


If you are impatient go with the 7970 Direct CU II. If not wait for the 9000 series GPUs. If the rumors are true the 9970 will have similar performance to the 7990 for cheaper.