GPU Choice Dilemma!

Hello people,

I have been planning on building a fairly high end gamin build for a while, so i thought while i save up the money for the build i might as well do as much research as possible into the parts i was looking at getting. 

However I have been in some what of a dilemma when it comes to the GPU i am going to buy, and so to cut a long story short, in the forum's opinion which card should i go for ASUS Direct cuII GTX 780 due to its overall good performance in games and the recent price plummet, or the new R9 290X because for around £20 or £30 more I can get an extra 1GB of onboard memory and from my initial look at it seems slightly more future proof.

So what are your thoughts be sure to let me know guys thanks :)

P.S Can some also recommend fairly decent gaming monitor optimised for FPS's, and games like skyrim, fallout etc. for around £150 thanks :)

If silence is more important to you go with the 780 but if you want to get the most performance for your money I would recommend the 290 non x version. You also might want to wait for a non reference 290 because of the high temps on the stock cooler.

okay thanks how many fps do you think id get for my extra money for the R9 290x

At this point, the GTX 780 has my vote.  If you can wait for the non reference R9 290 and R9 290X to be released, then I would recommend doing so.

After overclocking, the 780 is currently faster and cheaper. I wouldn't worry about the extra 1gb of Vram. You'll probably never use it.

The 780 is the much better deal, in the UK. Because you do get a much better games bundle in addition.

When the third party coolers for the 290 cards are released, things might change. But right now, as a UK consumer, the 780 is the obvious choice.

Overclocked benchmarks:

About a 1% increase in fps.

The 1 extra GB of memory on the R9 290X is pretty meaningless unless you're gaming at 4K which I assume you aren't. At the point it's better to get a 780 since it has aftermarket coolers and is cheaper. 

If your only just starting to look into it i would just get a ruff idea of whats good right now.

top end GPUs right now are the 290x,290,280x,780,780Ti.

Don't bother with the reference 290 cards, they are good cards but are silly loud and hot, the 780 is still probably the better buy right now purely cos it isnt a looney toons card.

The 780Ti is simply expensive but does a decent job whilst the 280x (7970) is probably the "lower" end sensible buy right now.

When we have some partner 290 cards with decent cooling things might change so keep and eye on that but right this very second id say depending on budget you should choose between a 280x and a 780, the others right now are either expensive or completely nuts :)

That's a good shout actually. You might be surprised by the performance of the 280x. Really good card, and it will save you money to place on a decent 144Hz monitor.

thanks for your comments everybody really helped me out, to be honest i cant see the non reference 290x's coming out for a few months at least and im starting to buy and build in the next couple of weeks, so i think il just go for the direct cuII 780 or something because of its great cooler and got really good overclockability :)

The MSI GeForce GTX 780 Twin Frozr OC Gaming Graphics Card is currently £400 (it was £370 yesterday) with 3 games...

well first something about the R9-290. people complaining thats its hot, but that´s not totaly true.

it does not run  hotter then a reference GTX780. it only runs hot on lower fan speeds, and its load on 100% fan speeds thats true, but at 100% fanspeeds, on full load it will be arround 70 degrees.

But if you prefer a silent rig, then yeah the GTX780 non reference would be your best choice.

still its going to either be loud as hell or hot as hell, thats the things that is pushing me away from a 290.

like i said, if you prefer a silent rig, and you don´t care to pay the extra price, in the Netherlands the diffrence between a R9-290 and a GTX780 non reference, is still €100+ then yeah its worth it. To me its not worth the price diffrence. but thats personal.

And by the way, there are LC cooler kits availeble for the R9-290, its a great overclocker.

But yeah if you want the most silent card without nonsense, then yeah the GTX780 non reference is your best choice.

thats the thing though my budget for my GPU is 400$ max. I had been looking at the 280x but i think now im just going to stick with the 280x and get a cooler for my CPU

well  its depending on what you play and which resolutions.

But a R9-280X is still plenty. and a great card. Especialy the Sapphire Toxic, that card is not that far behind, the highends. ☺

I was looking at this 280x:


What would be the performance difference between that and the toxic?


Also my main game is battlefield 4 and i intend on playing 1080p ultra.