My son was playing GTA5 his computer froze during the game . I was sleeping during this time. The boys did control alt delete computer restarted did four beeps and then a black screen I got up in the morning attempted to try to turn on compter same beeps control alt restarts into o/s system hear the windows desktop boot sound. monitar is still black. Does it mean the video chip on the gpu is culpult. What is I take his old 5870 install into the computer will I get a desktop to uninstalling rx 480 drivers to install 5870 drivers. The card has been giving us grief from the get go on crash in and having black screens since we bought it
Best thing you could do is rma the RX480 i guess.
Is it a reference model? If so, did you update to the latest driver and have "Compatibility Mode" in the Crimson Driver?
!00% agree... Gigabyte had a lot of issues the last 2 generations with AMD graphics cards.
If you can RMA it and replace it with another brand - XFX, Sapphire, PowerColor. I still trust PowerColor more than Gigabyte, Asus or MSI...
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I have had the card for a couple months can contact them but i am stuck with the card... Bought it Sept 20 installed about tge 29 of Sept
You bought it new or second hand? If new - don't you have a warranty or something?
Brand new from yes to warranty