Do you already have a monitor or need one? Also, that mouse and the thermal paster are a bit pricey...
here would be my suggestions with a monitor, keyboard, mouse and a pair of nice headset.
Both rigs will perform flawlessy with 1080p gaming and you can max out every game in the market. They also include upgrade paths for you. You can easily overclock both options in the future if you want to, add another 8 GB of ram if you need it, or slap another R9 290 to CFX if you need in the future. A little over but I was able to fit a 8350, a Gtx 780 ti and 3 monitors. I noticed you had 2 monitors in the original build and I feel like that can be kind of a weird setup. And since I could fit 3 I thought it was a good idea :)
thinking about getting me and my girl one of these and doing some youtube videos :3 so editing and gaming wile recording will probably be the most stressful thing we will do
thanks i was gonna go for 3 but i did not know if i could do it XD i know almost nothing about this my build was born from a lot of resources telling me how to do it ( thought you guys would know more about it than my friends that think ram is downloadable ;l )
Gives you about $100 to adjust as you please. I personally feel the top of the line graphics cards are overkill for most games, and, as such, spread out the "savings" around through the rest of the build. The GTX 760 is still an amazing card.
Slight changes in caveman's build. I don't think that the 780ti will be able to push 3 monitors all that well. I switched the three monitors for two IPS displays.
If you want to add another video card later, I would suggest getting a higher wattage power supply.
What I would suggest doing, is setting the rig up so that you can easily upgrade it in the future. Since you are thinking about doing something like eyefinity, I would suggest going with a 290x instead of a 780ti. At that resolution (and 4k), the difference between them is pretty minimal (see link below) and it would save you some money that would be beneficial for the psu as several 290x's would require a lot of power (so would several 780ti s, to be fair). I would suggest something like 850W or more, preferably 1000W. Getting a good psu now would prevent you from having to get a better one when upgrading to a multi-card set up. Basically saving you money in the long run. Also, Mantle and True audio.
P.s. The monitors that you had picked at first were fairly large, 27" for 1080p is a pretty low pixel density. Usually, 24" is the largest that you want to go with that resolution. Also, gaming on two screens isn't advisable, as you would have a split right in the middle. I would go with one screen at first and then get two more latter on when you planned to upgrade. Look at the something like that Dell S2340M. I have that monitor and would recommend it. It is pretty well suited for eyefinity, from the size of the border at least too.
i wanted the second monitor for skype and ts3 :3 one monitor for the game thanks for the info though i will see about taking my fav build on this thread and buying 2 of em thanks guys