Google has to stop a lie in the EU

So it turns out that Google is responsible for the blocking of 60% of the most popular videos on YouTube in Germany...

And not GEMA. In fact, with the German government having stated that streaming media is not a violation of copyright a couple of weeks ago in relation to the internet porn scandal, Google should have stopped blocking music videos in Germany, but they didn't, and all of this time, they blamed it on the GEMA, which now turns out to be false.

So, if Google doesn't unlock the music videos in Germany, they will have to pay a fine of 250.000 EUR per infringement...

So why do Germans have to pay for a VPN service again... same reason as in the US... because Google isn't playing fair!

I just hope for the US that the people find a way to make the justice system work for them like in Germany. You're being screwed by Google and others into buying things you already own!!! Just reclaim your property!

It's kinda difficult when companies like Google also own our law makers and politicians. Our government is highly corrupt.

Yeah, I'm not saying Germany is completely free of corruption and corporate interest, trust me it isn't, but it is better than it is here. The donors own the government in the United States. Since 1978 the US Govt hasn't represented the people, only large corporations and private donors. It is incredibly difficult to get anything through that upsets the status quo.

I always get annoyed when the videos tell me that I may not watch it cause it's not accepted to be shown in my country yet... It's a reason for why I have stopped watching stuff that don't contain anything I can learn from.