I apologize for not taking part in the hangouts the past couple days. My sleep disorders have struck again, leaving me in bed for a little over 42 hours >.<
Should be able to get productive again
I apologize for not taking part in the hangouts the past couple days. My sleep disorders have struck again, leaving me in bed for a little over 42 hours >.<
Should be able to get productive again
It's cool you didn't miss much but some random kids showing me their nipples... seriously
thats gross. lol
^He is only into it if they have 6 ;)
Scorpion is correct i'm afraid
i missed it by 2 seconds, i rebooted at just the right time to miss it....
u guys want to startz nowz?
I don't care, I have class later today but then I can join back
ok, i don't have class for rest of todayz
i'll get one going
Can't join that one, after I have one of my sleep attacks, it takes a bit to "recover" , meaning I feel like I have the flu. lol. I am so out of it, I can barely see the keys on my keyboard to type this reply. I'm glad to see that we are still doing hangouts and people still like the idea. If more people want to take part in it, we may have to go to migrate to tinychat (if more than 10 people become regular hangouter(s)'
hope you feel better soon!!!
the link above may expire, noone else is in it atm, they had to leave, and i'm going to get dinner, so if it expires, i'll post a new one
edit: i'm back, it's still up