I’m trying to run 4k 60fps video from youtube in Google Chrome and its showing the buffering circle every 2 sec for like 2 sec despite multiple resources not been maxed out:
- CPU usage around 85-87% (“top” reports 0.2% wa and 13% id)
- GPU memory - 1100MB used out of 2048MB
- GPU usage - no higher than 43%
- network connection speed far from been maxed
- more than half of the ram is free
- youtube diagnostics reports between 18 and 19sec buffer
- Chrome is installed on SSD and /home is on a brand new HDD
Only thing that looks wrong and matches the stuttering is visible in chrome://media-internals where pipeline_buffering_state switches from BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH to BUFFERING_HAVE_NOTHING and video_buffering_state seems to follow with same right after. YouTube still reports plenty of time been buffered and buffer is not empty. I don’t know why this happens and how to influence pipeline_buffering_state
openSUSE Leap 15
Google Chrome: Version 71.0.3578.98 (Official Build) (64-bit)