Google Chrome Extensions have a very easy time tracking you and there is very little that you can do

The problem

Google, claiming that Chrome is the safest web browser out there, is
actually making it very simple for extensions to hide how aggressively
they are tracking their users. We have also discovered exactly how
intrusive this sort of tracking actually is and how these tracking
companies actually do a lot of things trying to hide it. Due to the fact
that the gathering of data is made inside an extension, all other
extensions created to prevent tracking (such as Ghostery) are completely bypassed.

Pretty interesting article. Describes a few of the ways that these extensions can track you.
I was a little disconcerting. Even an extension like Flash Player does this. Although I don't use chrome as much, I will however look out for this stuff once Firefox supports Chrome Extensions. What are your thoughts guys?

Use Vivladi

why? it doesn't have support for many things that Firefox and GC do. I know it's a good browser but it's too raw currently

You can use EVERY SINGLE chrome extension with Vivaldi and they all install natively

Don't use chrome extensions?

And guess what? Extensions are basically the equivalent of mods on games. If you expect third party software to actually be 100% reliable and secure you have some messed up ideas. Some extensions are made by google but many are not. One instance is the crapple extension. (I love that extension) which turns apple into crapple.