Good time get cheap 14400 or similar socket 1700 cpu?

I’d like to replace the CPU in my Win 11 pro file box with a 14400 (non-F). It’s a socket 1700 MSI 790 pro and will be used with an HPE Intel x710 nic dual 10gb that is in the mail.
I have been looking at the 14400 as it has more cache and as it is a win box, the E-cores can do housekeeping duties. I found one for 190€ incl VAT yesterday, and it made me wonder when the price would be the lowest. Intel releases the next-gen in October perhaps and also BF come November?

Have read a bit up on it. Since all 14s are neutered Alder Lake, except 14600 and up, there is not much fun in the i5s and below. The 600 is more expensive than the K, so that leads to a 14600K.
I already have a 12600K for the HTPC. It will also work for the server. Its power efficiency work/watt and ideling is important as it is on 24/7 and the more efficient, the less power it will consume doing its duties as file and media server.
I can see that in Europe there are a sale going on, super weekend or something, with 20% dicaunts on cpus. They may get lower when gen 15 launches in a month or so, and then combined with BF.
Also it seems as Intel will launch more socket 1700 cpus in Q1 and Q3.
Guess it is better to wait a couple of months to BF and the AL has launched.