Okay, so im building a Budget PC. Im going with a A10 7850K because there's a micro center by me selling a black edition for $130. I'm looking for a MOBO that is overclock-able, supports a minimum of 16gb of ram, fits in a Fractal design core 1000 case, has the ability to add a GPU in the future (Radeon HD 265, 260X used as place holder in part list) and that's able to support 1 of the three types of ram i have in the part list. EIther 1866, 2133 (or 2400 that i hear the Kaveri APU's can Handle). Now it doesn't have to support all 3 types of ram i listed, just 1 of them should be fine. And lastly have an HDMI port. Post in the comments what you come across. Thanks!
Build: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/2YmdN