Ok, so I need some good music that offers sexiness. I'm looking at some something death metal, much like in flames if possible.
Any ideas? shoot me a comment.
Refer to this Thread. it's A bunch of posts of recommendations from myself and multiple users on the forum, ranging from a multitude of Sub-Genres of Metal. From Industrial, to Atmospheric Black Metal, to Death Metal, and Melo-Death.
I will be shameless and just recommend my (free downloadable) Demo EP:
Besides that:
Gorefest, Decapitated, Necrophagist, Vital Remains
Like Industrail rock? Celldweller and Blue Stahli
Year of No Light
Animals as Leaders
This has nothing to do with what you asked for...give it a listen though ;)
You might want to try this on too.
hey guys thanks for your music recomendations... all are epic.
What else have you got like in flames?
Yeah, cheers for that mate... that is awesome.
Dude. Well done on that EP. Going to be jamming that for a while.
If you like In Flames, perhaps try out Dark Tranquility, Arch Enemy, and Scar Symmetry.
Other metal I would highly recommend from varying genres:
Amon Amarth, Battlecross, Before the Dawn, Crimson Shadows, Dictated, Kataklysm, King of Asgard, Meshuggah, Periphery, Trivium, Vildhjarta.
Scar Symmetry, and amon amarth are bloody awesome mate...
Though I'll check out, the other ones... Got so many recommendations, I'll defiantly get to listen to yours :).
Hope you find something new you like.
As far as Arch Enemy goes, I would recommend checking some older songs like "My Apocalypse" and "Nemesis," as apposed to the most recent album with the new singer, which I didn't really care for (but you may).
Kreator is a pretty good when it comes to Thrash metal (very old school Thrash metal, mind you).
Thanks, everyone for the recomenations now I have a huge update to do :)