I have a slight problem finding music i grew up on rock and hard rock but i am trying to introduce myself to metal and the sub genres of it. I currently listen to Five Finger Death Punch, System of a Down, A7X, and Disturbed. If anyone can list a couple good metal bands that are not gore grind that would be awesome. Thanks!
Of course there is always Metallica, Queensryche, Black Sabbath, Anthrax, Pantera, and Children of Bodom. Also Dethklok
Can you handle harsh vocals?
Try Amon Amarth, Eluveitie, Agalloch, and Deathspell Omega and let me know if you like any of those?
Start with the Classics and then work your way up to those "Sub-Genres"
- Judas Priest - Here's a Few Song Recommendations
- Painkiller
- Angel
- Hellrider
- The Hellion/Electric Eye
- Ozzy Osbourne - Here's a few Song Recommendations
- Mr.Crowley
- No More Tears
- Gets Me Through
- Paranoid
- Metallica - Here's a Few Song Recomendations
- Ride the Lightning
- Enter Sandman
- Battery
- For Whom the Bell Tolls
- AC/DC - Here's a Few Song Recommendations
- Hell's Bells
- Thunderstruck
- Back in Black
Now if you are looking for Heavier and you want some good stuff here's a few
- Slayer - and Here's a few Songs I Recommend
- Raining Blood
- Angel of Death
- God Hates us All
- Bloodline
- Behemoth - Here's a Few Songs I recommend
- Be Without Fear
- Conquer All
- Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel
- Chant for Ezkaton 2000 E.V
Here we get into the Black Metal if you can tolerate some harsh vocals, (some terrible production) and dark lyricism then check these out
- Mayhem - Here's a Few songs I recommend
- Freezing Moon
- Impious Devious Leper Lord
- Carnage
- Psychic Horns
- Darkthrone - Here's a Few songs i Recommend
- In the Shadow of the Horns
- Quintessence
- Transilvanian Hunger
- Cromlech
- Evilfeast
- Lost Horizons of Wisdom
- Fullmoon over the Eastern Woods
- Thy Woods are Sacred
- My Tower among the Timeless Mountains
- Immortal - Here's a Few Songs I recommend
- Sons of Northern Darkness
- Blashyrk (Mighty Ravendark)
- Tyrants
- Beyond the North Waves
I wouldn't black metal a good genre for starters, it's one of the hardest to get into out of all metal.
But the first half of the list on the other hand are perfect!
Yeah thats why i didn't put as many Black Metal Bands with that screechy screaming vocals like Cradle of Filth or Emperor (They are good bands but newcomers won't probably like those type of vocals)
Been listening to this Witherscape album a lot lately, very easy listen. There's about 50/50 growls (they're so good though) / clean vocals. Lots of riff sound straight out of some 80s metal...look it up.
Thanks Logan and yes i can handle harsh vocals i am part of an Italian family
I have listened to all the classics i practically grew up on those but i will definitely look at your reccomendations thank you
Just for the record i like the idea of how it switches between the lighter and harder vocals such as FFDP but i like pretty much anything im not picky
You can obviously go in a LOT of different ways.
Cradle of Filth and Dimmu Borgir are both bands that WERE black metal but now are more symphonic "black" metal. Many of the dark sounds but highly engineered and mastered. But good to get into symphonic and black metal respectively.
Other stuff you could check out:
Symphonic Metal:
In Flames, Dark Tranquility, Children of Bodom (OLDER STUFF)
Power Metal:
Helloween, Blind Guardian, Dark Moor, Sabaton (I encourage anyone to check them out, power metal without the falsetto vocals), Amaranthe (kinda pop sounding but cool)
Shadows Fall, Soilwork, God Forbid
Skinny Puppy, Nine in Nails
Industrial Metal:
Spineshank (Height of Calousness), Dope (Felons and Revolutionaries)
Industrial Metal (Slower and more melodic):
Rammstein, Deathstars
In all honesty I love google music subscription. I have found so much different stuff by listening to something I know then clicking on other artists.
Also, all other responses were good ideas too.
Massacre, Boltthrower, Death, Obituary, Morbid Angel are just classics.
Mustasch, Sparzanza, Amorphis are like rock candy from the Baltics.
Hope you like them.
If you really want to go feet first into things:
Assuming you need to get used to it I would recommend something slightly less harsh:
Metal is a very expansive genre so try a bit of everything and see what you like. I'm just in a black metal mood at the moment hence all the bands I linked you are black metal. I'd say the best band to start listening to metal to is Sodom:
Listen to the Opeth album Still Life from start to finish with NO interruptions.
Thank me later.