Okay, so Im in a CS: GO team and were relatively new, we all have about 500 hours or so, but only like 50 in a team! I am just baffled becase I do really well in headshot only and normal Deathmatch servers... Like I mean really well, I am constantly on the top of the leader board by like at least 4 kills... However, whenever I plan in a Scrim/ Pug with the team, we tend to do terrible and we lose?! Were all good players of the same skill level (Just like mine and I would say that two of our players tend to do even better than me in Deathmatch)! Our strats are good and we play well together but idek how we lose, we just get owned! We know that we need to check all of our corners more and were working on that, but Idk why we do so bad... Does anyone please have any advice??
The more you play competitive the more you build game sense. See urban dictionary. You'll build game sense in comp just like you've built your muscle memory to get headshots in DM. Just keep playing ;)
I can't give you any CSGO advice, but something that always works in any competitive game be it FPS, MOBA, RTS, play outside of your group of friends, join another team if you have to. Chemistry is great, but just simply playing with a different team or group, you'll pick up on their play styles and hopefully you will learn from them.
Pugs are fun but most of the time people don't try, and you'll build bad habits. If you really want to learn, ring for another team / join another team build chemistry with new people.
If you're not down for ditching your friends which is understandable. Try playing different roles, consciously change your play style.
500 hours may seem like a lot, some people log more than 5,000 and aren't at the top. Just keep playing.
DM/GG is a totally different play style from comp/casual.
Play a bunch of casual with your team, and just work on working together, communication, and being articulate with your aiming and shooting. Learning spray patterns also helps a lot, but as you do well in DM i'm assuming you've got them down pretty well known or not.
Dont let comp get to you though, learn entry frags, learn your maps, and learn your metagame. Also dont be afraid to play slow and dont be afraid to rush hard, especially if your team can get your entry frags down well.