Good Headphone Amp for about $100?

I just got myself a pair of Sennheiser's HD 558s and currently I am using the Fiio E11 as my amp. I like the E11 a lot, but I am sick of charging it every night. What I am looking for in an amp is good bass, but isn't overpowering. I looked at the Fiio E10, but some are saying that for a few dollars more I can get something better. I'm not so much worried about a dac right now. I just need a good, solid amp for my HD 558s.

One more thing 6.3mm jack is prefered, but not necessary.

I'm reading a lot of reviews saying that the Magni is more bright sounding and lacks openness. I would like something that's more neutral or has some warmth to it. I am open to sound cards if any are worth buying. But of course external is preferred. 

In that case, I recommend that you consider the Fiio E09k.

Ya the E09k looks good from some of the reviews I've seen, but on Fiio's site it list the output impedance as

 less than 10 Ω. This seems a bit high, I want to know if there is any audible hiss when on low gain?   

10ohms is a little over the ideal output impedance for your cans, but it shouldn't be a much of an issue, the bass might be a little less tight than if you were using an amp with lower output impedence, but it will barely be noticeable, if at all. That said, for your specific needs, you wouldn't be much worse off with a Fiio E10, the only major issue would be the 3.5mm jack on it, which tends not to hang on to hang on to plugs very tightly. It may require some creative positioning to use with a 1/4 inch to 3.5mm adapter.

Edit: or you could use something like this

Thanks Warpig, I will probably end up going with the E09K. I like the ability to upgrade it with an E17 or E07K. And if I do find myself buying headphones later on that need a little more juice i should be just fine with the E09K.