Thinking of builiding my first PC for gaming is this sufficient for decent spec gaming, is itoverkill or could I pay less for the same performance?
Thinking of builiding my first PC for gaming is this sufficient for decent spec gaming, is itoverkill or could I pay less for the same performance?
I'm too lazy to get crackin on a uk priced build but.
Overkill is not existant in this build.
put moar into a mobo. either spend more or downgrade some.
i would chance the motherboard, to a decent 970 board, like the Gigabyte GA-970A-ud3 with this phenom, or if you can find a Asus M5A97 evo r2.0.
those boards are better over oc, but they are also better in overall things. and with eye on the future, if you ever plan to upgrade youre cpu to a FX8350 or what ever, then its plug and play on the Asus, For the gigabyte you only need a bios update to do that.
It's a good build. Reasonably good price/performance ratio, and I believe these are the components Logan used in a 500 dollar build video. So yeah, Logan approves this build. And I'm happy you have chosen a XFX branded powersupply, it's good quality stuff.