Good games?

does anyone one have any good game they are playing at the moment on pc?im looking into getting into some zombie survival games like dayz etc 

well its not zombie, or PC exclusive, but the mass effect series is great.

yeah i played it on xbox 

Borderlands 2, can't recomend it enough. 

unless you're playing the DayZ mod itself you'll have to wait for the standalone DayZ to get anything similar.. that will be a long wait.

As for other good games.. i would check out Planetside 2. It's incredible if you're into large scale combat of any sort.

If you're at all intrigued by space flight or space simulation and exploration i highly recommend jumping on Kerbal Space Program.. its being sold at a discount right now for early access. Even the prerelease version is incredibly fun and hilariously addictive. 

NO its coming out in late june or early july...

resident evil 6 in co-op with a friend whilst on skype