My best friend just gave me a $20 dollar steam wallet card and i want to get the most out of it. So i want to know what are some good games for under $5. Or if there aren't any that good maybe 2 games for $10 ? Just let me know. Also just wanted to know is there any way i can exchange my $20 card and buy something on the Humble Bundle Sale ? Thanks for your guys help and happy gaming ! :)
- binding of isaac (5)
- they bleed pixels (10)
- reciever (5) (what the game is like)
- deus ex (7)
- fallout 3/new vegas (10)
- ftl (10)
- terraria (10)
I can one up both the Fallout games and Binding of Isaac, I picked up Binding of Isaac on sale for $1 recently and I've had Fallout: NV and 3 for like ever. Both of the Fallout games go down to as low as $2.50, and $5.00 for the GOTY Edition (Game with all DLC). I reccomend spending the extra $2.50 and getting the GOTY of both of the games as they make the games much better in my opinion.
Thank you both and i will definitely check out all of the games you guys recommended !
i just listed the prices as they are now, of the games i own i didn't pay full price for any of those
would you recommend that i wait for the Steam Fall/Winter sale ?
I would definitely wait for a sale. The amount of games that $20 bucks will get you during a sale is astronomical.
Killing floor is 75% of for a few days. If you like simple zombie shooters its always and option :)
Super Hexagon, wait, never mind, it's way to addicting, don't even start.
Yeah, the Steam Autumn sale is supposedly going from Nov. 27th -Dec. 3rd so be sure to keep your eyes open.
Right now buy serious sam
Far Cry 3 - Blood Dragon is on sale right now for $7.50
Check out Papers, Please. Really cool game I like it alot. It is $10 tho