Is this a Good Enough Gaming PC? I was just wondering. IF I go with this, I will be recording with Fraps.
Also, can anyone list how much FPS this would get on Black Ops 2 while recording and not while recording?
It'll do. However, because your going to be running multiple programs you might want to consider 1866 ram. That'll give you a bit more room to push your machine.
no, it's not. you want to get the fx-8350 for that budget.also, the 560 is old, and overpriced. get a 7870 or gtx 660ti. get a 600-650w psu. also, recordings with fraps are really, really big, about 4 gigs for every 5 mins of recording, so a non-linear vid editor is a MUST, or at the very least, an encoder such as handbrake.
hmm. okay. I was just seeing. I have the option to go to a 660 ti; which I think I'll do.
I just posted this just in case.
Thanks though!
Commisar, I wanted to go with the Corsair Gaming Series PSUs, and it seems that the 600 watt version is $30 dollars more. So I decided to just bump it up lol.
Also, I really like Intel, Im not a fanboy, but I have had a good experience with them, and I heard that AMD isn't that future-proof. Am I wrong?
And yes, that is why I threw in a 1TB harddrive. Plus, I delete all the footagte after I record, so it wont fill up. And what do you mean non-linear video editor?
ok, if the 700 watt is cheaper, i'm not gonna tell you to get the 600w then.
the 8350 is a very good processor, just not as good at single-core performance as intel. you want the 8 cores it has, since you will be encoding videos, and you won't loose gaming performance at all. besides, steamroller is going to be on the same socket.
pretty much all video editors are 'non-linear' it just means you can cut out parts, and add parts in. encoders like handbrake can only change the video encoding, and most good editors will encode your videos the same as if you were using an encoder.
I vote this
oh okay cool on the video editors. yeah, thats what I want to do exactly. Cut parts, add parts. yeah.
And yeah, I guess AMD is up there. But hey, this is my first build. So its basically a test run for my next, and the next, and the next. So if Intel aint doing it, here i come AMD. So yeah, and its the same with Graphics Cards. I just want to try nVidia for a test run, if it doesnt go well, I'll be certain to get an AMD next time.
And yeah, I dont know why the power supply is cheaper lol.
Thanks Bro!
8core, gtx 670, 620w psu, 2 500gb hd's so u can record to an independent drive.
did you read my comment right above you...^
For just gaming amd is better but for editting programs nvidia is better.