What do you think a good enough gaming pc is for just playing COD BO2 and Battlefield?
Lets try and keep it under $800?
Just for fun!
What do you think a good enough gaming pc is for just playing COD BO2 and Battlefield?
Lets try and keep it under $800?
Just for fun!
AMD A8 5600K APU - $100 (reason why I chose the a8 over a10 is because the a8 performs better than the a10 in dual graphics mode)
2x4 1600mhz DDR3 Ram - $20
ECS A75F2-M2 Mobo - $80
Thermaltake V3 Black edition Case - $30
Caviar Blue 7200Rpm 500GB HDD - $50
Lifetime series 500W PSU - $20
Sapphire Ultimate Radeon HD 6670 1GB GDDR5 in dual graphics mode with the APU - $80
Total- $380
$420 saved
Benchmarks of this build :)
battlefield 3 1920x1080 on ultra online - 35fps avg
skyrim 1920x1080 on ultra - 40 fps avg
gta iv 1920x1080 on ultra- 30 fps avg
Where are you getting your benchmarks from? Here's a video I found (many other aswell) showing that configuration barely running Bad Company 2 on medium settings with dips in fps from 70-20!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJAWavcYLo0 Also with that setup there is no room for upgrading in the future as the processor itself is not very good and if you were to upgrade the graphics card crossfire wouldn't be supported.
I would recommend getting an i5 or the 8320-8350 and a decent graphics card like the 7850 or 7870.
-8gb of 1600mhz DDR3 ram
-Asrock extreme4 z77 mobo for intel option or any Asus, MSI or Gigabyte AM3+ mobo for the AMD option
-Any decent case Antec, Corsair, NZXT, Cooler Master.
-Caviar Blue 7200Rpm 500GB HDD
-Corsair 600-700w 80+ PSU