Good earbuds for around 100 USD

I am looking for a pair of earbuds for around 100 dollars. The problem I usual run into with earbuds is that I have very small ear canals so they tend to fall out very often.

I got the same problem. No normal earbuds fitted and most of the In-Ears hurted. But the Sennheiser CX 200 II (or the CX 150 or something in this line) got a good sound an they fitted well. Also they dampen the sound of the environement very good. They are just 25€ but maybe you want to try them. The sound is wuite good and the basses are a louder and clearer than others while not ruining the highs.

Any Sennheiser ear buds, Im not sure about their new CX 3.00's as they haver the words "enhanced bass response" though that implies not bass boosted sooo they sound good, Otherwise I would trust their older lineup.

They come with ear adapters from XS through to L so they probably will fit unless you have some ungodly small ear balls (Archer reference)

RHA MA 750 is a good choice, I just bought a pair and they are excellent just read the reviews they are a great all around in ear earbuds and they come with multiple ear tips (I myself have small ear canals) and they're the best that I've owned so far.

Hope this helps!

They are usually $120 but if you're lucky you can find them with a damaged package marked as used and buy them for $80 like I did. Link ->

Shure SE-215. A little more on the bass heavy side, and not the best, but for the money you get everything his bigger brothers also have (315, 425, up to 846 who run at around 1000$), besides the driver in it.

IEM, cable runs around your ear, tons of tips in different sizes and materials. The cerumen filter is in the tip, not the headphone itself, so cleaning is easy. The cable can be replaced with something from logitech for around 20$. It's my all around favourite.

Oh, and you can go jogging with it, it isolates well, and so on.

Possibly the Philips Fidelio S2's? Right now they're about $100 at amazon and they are fantastic. The design they have has them rest more on the outside of your ear than inside, so that may help keep them secure.

I don't know how the size of my ear canals compare, but I do know I have major issues keeping my bluetooth earbuds in my right ear (left is fine) likely due to a wonky shape, but the Fiedlios are very secure and comfortable.

I just got the Sennheiser CX 215s and they are brilliant. I also have small ears so it helps massively that they come with 3 sizes of ear bud. The sound quality seems all good so far too. Really can't complain.

Oh and the noise cancellation helps when out and about. Less volume needed = healthier ears.

Around $100, the earbuds that audiophiles tend to recommend the HF5 and the RE400. Both of which sound great. I have the HF5 (well, the HF2 which is the same thing with mic and smart phone controls), and it has a lot of tip size options. My girlfriend also has tiny ear canals and can comfortably use the small silicone tips. That might be the option for you.

Also, you could get an assortment pack of tips and see what works best for you.