Anybody know of a place that has SimCity on sale? College has drained me for money so I have been trying to save as much as I can. I have looked all over and cant find much. I played SimCity 3000 soooo much and loved it same with 4. So how is the game now? Have they fixed the issues with it and is it worth the time and money? Thoughts & Opinions welcome!
I got SimCity after preordering the Deluxe version. I did not like it; the AI was terrible, the city management was incredibly annoying, and gameplay was cumbersome; I just didn't enjoy it. However, there have been many patches and updates recently, especially after the outrage, fueled by Reddit, mostly. The game has improved, but I still don't play it much. I prefer Dwarf Fortress, honestly; I have been playing DF a lot lately. If you like SimCity, and possibly like Minecraft, then DF is a free alternative that I find more enjoyable than SimCity 5.
the updates have fixed alot of it, the driver ai is kinda silly still going way out of the way and getting stuck in traffic that shouldent be there, otherwise i like it, its a fun way to kill time
The game in its current state is on the virge of unplayable. I have clocked a good 50 hours and have ejoyed what I have played but there are a number of things that make the game so anoying to play
Endless loading screens, When loading 1 town from another, it will from time to time (About 1 in 4 chance) refuse to load and just sit there. Ending with you crashing the program and starting again
Lost work. Sometimes work will not save. If its down to a crash, loss of connection momentarily or just who knows what. You will do something leaving your town and something messes up.
Excessivly long syncing times. Time to sync cities with the reagion take forever. It may be fine on small maps but when working with a group of friends. Suddon loss of power because of syncing problems kills towns yet the game is designed force you to use multiple cities.
Traffic. If you get the traffic wrong, there is nothing you can do except for delete the road. destroying all your hard work. And even the best layouts have issues past 100k residents not to mention the bottleneck of car comming into the city as the motorways are aparintly not designed for anything more than 5,000 cars.
To be honest, I enjoy the challenge but on the other hand. The game has been a fucken pain in the ass to play. Up to you if its worth your moneyand if you want it cheap, wait 3 months.
Don't give EA any of your money until they fix their rock-dumb always online BS.
I currently have 69 hours of simcity play time and have enjoyed every bit of it. Sure the game has its problems like every other game but they are slowly being fixed. On the other hand i havent had any of the above mentioned problems. All of my cities synch up fast etc etc. There is many ways to get around the traffic problems. like any game it has its ups and downs. It had a terrible launch but it wasnt the 1st and wont be the last. If you enjoyed SC3000 and SC4 you should deff give it a try.
Save your self the money, time, and mental well being and just buy the objectively superior version, SimCity 4.
Thanks for the input everybody! I see a lot of people complain about the online all the time ordeal but how bad is it? I am fortunate enough to live in a well populated area and have good internet services available so I'm not sure how this will affect me. I currently have been playing cities xl 2011 so I cant imagine SimCity being worse than that lol. I might try it and let you guys know what what I think.
Its not bad at all it just uses the always online to sync up your cities with the ea servers and such.
if you want to support ea go ahead. i personally cant wait for them to die. they have absorbed so much talent, then fired them>.> i miss the real bioware:(