Good CPU for GTX 780 Ti?

Alright, so im terribly bad with hardware but i really want the games i play to look good and run without any problems what so ever, so i started playing Archeage about 2 weeks ago and i really like it but im getting terrible fps at around and below 40 about all the time and in fighting senarios it drops down to 20 or even worse.

So i went and posted on the archeage forums and 2 random other members told me that basicly my cpu suck. That thread.

my current specs:

AMD FX-8120 clocked at 3.10
My primary monitor is running on 144Hz
and my second monitor is running on 60Hz

So i asked them to help me out and tell me what cpu i should get that is compatible with my motherboard. ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. CROSSHAIR V FORMULA-Z Rev 1.xx But i dident get any answer so im hoping on this forum that i found after watching some youtube videos trying to figure out a cpu by my self.

If anyone wonders anything else about my specs i will try to answer it if i can otherwise i will look it up on firday (swedish time) when i get home. (im currently on my laptop in college)

Hey Mooni,

I'm running my current rig with an FX-8120 as well, but I don't have a very decent gfx card compared to whats currently out there. The 8120 (from my experience) is fairly decent, and can be turbo'd to 4.0 GHz in the BIOS settings quite safely. There's plenty of good guides online which can help you to do this, and most people here on the TekSyndicate forums will be able to tell you how to do it in less than 30 seconds flat. Give it a shot and see how you go - but try to do a couple of benchmarks before and after so you know how much of a boost/gain you get from the increase.

If you aren't satisfied, then for a modest price you could get the FX-6300 (6 cores, 3.5GHz and 4.0GHz Turbo) or an FX-8350 (8 cores, 4.0 GHz and 4.2GHz Turbo).

If you want to go all out, then try the FX-9590 - but try the safe turbo option first.

I'd try overclocking your CPU. If that doesn't give you the necessary performance in games, you have a couple of options. You could upgarde to a Piledriver CPU (8320/8350 or 9590 most likely), but if Archeage only uses one or two threads you'd be better off switching to an i5, although that would be a bigger cost investment.

Regardless, I'd get a good cooler (if you don't have one already) and overclock that 8120. 3.1 Ghz is an abysmally low clock speed for bulldozer, if you got it up to 4+ Ghz it should perform quite a bit better.

Archeage is probably a cpu bound game then.

if you want more stable frame rates, and higher minimus, then you probably would be better of grabbing an i5-4690K.

your FX is holding your 780Ti back. Just install msi afterburner and check the GPU load during gaming, post a printscreen of it here eventualy, if the GPU is not hitting >90% + load constantly, but  bounces up and down allot, then its most likely a cpu bottleneck.

you got the motherboard for overclocking your FX, i would try that first, and see if its getting any better. if not, then switching to intel is probably the only solution for less frame dips.

Unfortunatly, i dont know the particular game.. so i cant tell anything about the game play, but as far as i can read your problem, it looks like a cpu bottleneck to me.

Before dropping a bunch of money, overclock your current CPU and you will get more consistent frame rates.

I used to own an FX 8120 and with a good cooler I had it over clocked to 4Ghz without needing to play around with the voltage but still found CPU bound games to be slow.

An upgrade to an FX8320 (I  managed to sell the 8120 for a good price) got me a CPU that had better single thread performance and overclocked to a higher speed (around 4.2 Ghz).

However I still wasn't happy and ended up selling the mobo and chip for enough to get a Z77 board and a second hand i7-2600 which also o/c'ed to around 4Ghz.

I am now much happier in my CPU bound games (namely FSX and Xplane X) but overall multi-threaded performance is no better than either FX chip. 

The 8 core FX chips are great if you want to run lots of virtual machines or do something creative that will use all the cores but they can suck on games that will only use a single core for most of the time.





You have a very expensive hobby.

 I like things to kinda "just work" for a year or two. Constantly tweaking and swapping out hardware kinda eats into my gaming time. So its your call OP. You can overclock your current chip a bit which will get you along better for now. That us the route I would take in your position, as I like to hold off until next generation hardware is released, rather than upgrade in the middle of a cycle.

You can buy a newer FX 8320 or 8370, which will definitely help as they are faster per-clock and overclock better...

or you can buy a whole new motherboard and intel CPU and not worry about it for a while

There is not much of a diffrence between zambezi and vishera wenn it comes to gaming in particular. vishera has a few architecture upgrades to zambezi, however still a vishera cpu doesnt do much better then zambezi in gaming.

The problem is just, that games dont use more then 4 main threads. Thats why intel cpu´s have much better minimum frames most of the times, because intel cpu´s have a much faster per core performance. Even those so called "multi threaded" games like BF4.

i realy whished that AMD just had broaght an 8 core version of the Phenom cpu´s.

i have my FX8350 2 years now, and it allways served me realy well, i dont have any much to complain about the cpu it self.

But for me its just time to upgrade.

I'm playing Archeage as well on a fx 8320 @ 4.4ghz. And even with multithread rendering,running on all 8 cores it still bottlenecks the 7870 in some scenarios,especially when a lot of things are happening. like 100 vs 100 or more I instantly see a big drop in GPU usage and 30ish fps,maybe mid 40's

yes thats the problem with the FX cpu´s

My FX8350 cannot maxout my 7870Ghz in skyrim with some mod packs, my frame rates just suck, because wenn there is allot going on the screen in the first scene with explosions and flying dragons, my  GPU ussage just drops to arround the 60/65% mark. and wenn there is less going on it jumps to arround 81%.

So thats just a cpu bottleneck. ☺

That was almost the same for me in ARMA games. A shift to intel and a massive boost in minimum and average FPS without changing the graphics card.

I just upgraded from my AMD CPU last week to a i5 4590. I have seen a huge improvement in a lot of single threaded apps. And some games too. Far Cry 3 got a huge boost. And some games I have had issues with like Rise of the Triad runs silky smooth 60 at max settings. So there is no denying the truth about the performance benefits Intel has. 

  But I am kinda sad about it. I have been using AMD CPU's for my desktop machines for over 10 years. The cheap APU's are great and all. But come on new FX needs to be here already.

yes indeed its sadd.

I allready having the same discussion about this, in a diffrent threads uphere. And i just cannot say this enough.

Even a locked i5 like 4590 just kicks the living shit out of any FX cpu in gaming even the FX9590, that boosts upto 5.0GHz.. Your frame rates just gets a bump in cpu bound games with an haswell cpu. especialy the minimum frame rates, which are basicly the most important.

Some people still not seem to agree with me, But i know better ☺

FX cpu´s are still good budget cpu´s for people that do more then gaming, something like video rendering and virtualization. But i cannot recommend them anymore for just gaming realy.

FX8 core you wanne overclock it for better performance, but this means, more expensive mobo, and decent expensive cooling. If you count that into price, than an locked i5 with a cheaper H87/H97 or cheap Z97 board or what not, will be arround the same price, but will perform way better overall in gaming.

yes all same story.

  1. Arma
  2. DayZ
  3. lol
  4. wow
  5. planetside
  6. accesin creed
  7. Metro
  8. Skyrim
  9. BF4 multiplayer
  10. Evoland
  11. Crysis 3 multiplayer

And the list goes on and on ☺

Ya I just got the Gigabyte Z97MX-Gaming 5 120$ and the i5 was 160 at micro center. So been happy for an upgrade under 300.

Some people especially those still using FX won't admit the short comings of it. So I admire people that are big enough to see it and speak up. I got your back. 

Thats a very nice upgrade. ☺

Most MMOs are very single-threaded heavy, so running AMD here isn't going to be a plausible choice most of the time. Your best bet is getting a cheap, decent z97 board and a 4690k. The 4690k will last a long time and give you what you want in games like Archeage. You could always try overclocking your 8120, but it's not going to help too much other than lessen the effect of bottlenecking until you upgrade to something suitable. 

overclock it,  if not happy, sell cpu/mb and buy an intel i5 + mb.

Any i5 would do - i7 or xeon (with h/t) if you can afford it.

ps. as for what cpu's are compatible with your current boad > did you google?

Thanks alot for the overwhelming amount of response, well apparently my dad broke my current cpu today when, as he said "should check something". Well I went for a FX-9590... -cut-

Well my dad just called again and apparently he broke his cpu and came to the conclusion that my mb was the problem.. Fml, no games for me until the weekend after this one. however when he called and told me that the mb was the problem he had already ordered the new cpu so i decided to go with a slightly newer version of what i had/have, the Asus crosshair v formula-z.

Thanks again for all the replys.

sounds good.

keep us informed about the improvements your are getting.