Good Cpu cooler for $20

I have a Q6600 and and a stock cooler and I just wanted to upgrade so I can overclock to 3.0Ghz with temps at 50C at least. I know It might be crazy for only $20 but could you guys recommend any thing?

Thanks! :)

20 bucks...Hmm...I'll look into it and get back to you.

These look pretty promising.

umm chick those are fans and ram heat sinks lol i belive hes looking for a specific one which i dont know of besides the zerotherm nirvana best fucking cpu cooler but not $20

[quote]These look pretty promising.[/quote] Nice. :P

Oh oops, the "." I put detroyed the links. Lemme repost.

if u dont mind the extra $10

The best bang for your buck as of now is the Arctic Freezer Pro 7. It's $26.99, but it cools like a beast.

Thank you Sargent Bannanas I really think I am going to buy that! really Thanks!

yah thats the best bang for the buck theres an open box one for $12 but i hate open box

heres the link

For the record, those with fan's that blow up or down usually obstruct the entire airflow of your case. So I'd try to go for one with a vertically placed fan, pointing towards the outer fan of your case. Unless you have a fan on the top of your case of course.

why did i sense a hit of sarcasm? lol or is it me?

yah I was trying to say that with out sounding sarcastic. But i can really see how you would see that. But now I am really between the Arctic Freezer Pro 7 (Thanks SnarlingChicken) and the ZEROtherm CF900. Which!!!

PS What does "open Box" mean??? does that mean It is used and a chance it won't work?/

i would go with the arctic freezer since its more famous but zerotherem is one of my favorite companies

Means it wasn't what someone wanted, decided against etc. and they sent it back. Usually they're tested to work before being resold.

Open box means it either doesn't come with a box/is open box.....and it's used.

open box means some one bought it opened it and returned maybe it broken i never buy open box as i dont want to go thought the hassle of RMA (return)

Does any one know if the Artic freezer comes with Thermal Grease?

skump and chicken beat me to it but yah