Im looking at getting some books to learn how to start coding, i was thinking either python or C (recommendations on what would be best to start with) and broaden my understanding of networking. I intend on getting these on amazon(though if there is a better option im all ears) and would like them to cheaply so used is fine.
I'd recommend you read network warrior.
Thanks for the tip.
Tom Demarco - The Deadline
It is more about project management than actual coding but for anyone working with software it is so worth a read.
This book is awesome. Its not so much about how to deal with a specific language as it is opening your eyes to things that constantly happen in the programming world and how to either avoid or deal with them. Definitely a must read if you want to get into coding!
Way out on the edges of everything is history.
I can't believe that no one mentioned this already (that I noticed anyway), but many colleges/universities have free online courses for learning coding and computer sciences. You aren't going to get a degree for it, but you can learn. Best of all, no book needed. I haven't looked into them much myself as I am in college already, so taking extra courses wouldn't do me much good, but they look to be a good option if you goal is just to learn (and I always advocate learning when possible). Take a look and see what you think. Go over the lecture notes and then try out the assignments. There are other places that you can look for this type of thing, and you can probably find some nice video lectures on youtube or something. My point is that there is no shortage of learning tools online for this that don't require spending money. If you want a book anyway, then go ahead and buy one. I just hate spending money when I don't have to, so I wanted to offer you the chance to avoid it as well.
From what I have heard, python is the most versatile of all languages, but my university starts you off with java, which is very widely used. To me, it seems like it all really depends on what it is that you are wanting to get to be able to do. Do you just want an understand of how code works? Then any would work, really. Do you want to be able to use what you learn in that language in certain applications? Then see what those applications use. It is up to you. The sky is the limit. Just don't try to go too fast and end up not retaining what you are trying to learn. That is never helpful.
EDIT: I decided to look over some of the lecture notes for the hell of it. I found this slide. It might help you decide what you want to learn first.
I can email you (or anyone that wants a copy) of these books in pdf fromat - just PM me
Learning Python 5th ed.
C Programming in Linux
Linux in a nutshell 6th ed.
Linux Kernel in a Nutshell
C 1 - An introduction to C programming and the C language
Object orientated programming with C#
Structured programming with C++